Happy Birthday from Quarantine

I recently hit one month in quarantine in NYC. Restaurants have been shut down for about a month. Gatherings with friends are nonexistent. Zoom happy hours and working from home is the norm. Face masks at grocery stores are now required.

COVID-19 has hit NYC and the world very hard. It’s taken lives and jobs. We stay home to save lives and that’s all that matters right now.

I don’t want to disregard the seriousness of the issue, but let’s put doom & gloom aside for a moment. Amidst this absolute chaos, people are finding ways to keep spirits high and have fun. I had my 30th birthday in quarantine yesterday.

I had a great day. Let me tell you what I did, and what my friends did for me, and maybe it will give you some ideas on what to do for your bday or a friend who is celebrating in quarantine.

1. Breakfast in bed. I really wanted a smoothie. My fiancé Scott makes the best ones so we drank them before I even stepped foot out of bed.

2. Bday texts and Instagram Stories: I never thought I would appreciate a virtual “happy birthday” so much. I loved waking up to the photo tributes on Insta and the texts that flowed in.

3. Decorations! My friend sent me self-inflating 30th bday balloons-it really made it feel festive.

4. House Party. If you don’t have the app yet, get it. You can jump on the app, and friends can video chat and play virtual games with you. Don’t lock the room – leave it open to see who joins!

5. Gifts: The theme of the gifts this year? Stuff to do at home; Zoom cheese tastings, and adult coloring books.

6. Starbucks: if you have the app, you get a free birthday drink. I made an event of walking to the nearest starbucks to pick up my free coconut milk latte. $$$

7. Movie time: I watched 13 going on 30. I was 13 when it came out so it was only appropriate to watch it at 30.

8. Friends with cars: my friends drove by with a sign for my bday. Sooooo nice seeing familiar faces after a month (even from afar).

9. Cocktails: delivered. My friends sent Sourced Cocktails to my door. It’s a fancy cocktail you can make at home – it came with a measurer, handle of liquor and expertly crafted mixer. Not only is it an amazing gift but it supports local bartenders.

10. Dinner with the family: my Mom & Dad ordered us Thai food and we ate dinner over FaceTime. Again, the power of a virtual happy birthday is huge right now.

Thanks to my friends, family and fiancé for making this birthday fun, even in isolation. Treat your friends to a similar bday!

Link to Sourced Cocktails here: https://sourcedcraftcocktails.com/


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